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    WordPress Update Services

    It seems easy enough to update WordPress: you just push a button. Right? Let’s just get this out in the open… That’s
    really dangerous! We’ve had customers destroy or break their websites by pushing the button. Learn from the mistakes of others. Rely on our trained software developers to create a backup of your database and website files, update WordPress, review your website, and get into the code to fix problems as necessary.

    We’ll Take the Duty off Your Plate

    WordPress updates may not be fun, but our team sure does enjoy seeing your company reach it's optimal performance. To us, seeing you grow is our Fun.

    WordPress Platform Updates

    Current & Secure

    Having the latest version of WordPress means having the latest security releases. Having these WordPress Platform Updates in place tightens the security of your website, fixing the loopholes that unwanted guests try to expose. Since WordPress is the most sought after CMS (Content Management System), hackers are always looking for areas to slip in to exploit your sensitive data and break your website. Let’s solve that problem by performing software updates to your WordPress platform routinely.

    Safe & Stable

    In addition to security patches, WordPress Update Services include maintenance fixes, edits, force strong password hashing, Disabling XML-RPC 1.0.6, and other features to stabilize WordPress’s performance. Staying current with the latest WordPress updates is important. Our experienced team follows techniques that will ensure a smooth transition and if there are any bugs in the WordPress update, they will be able to diagnose and fix your issues quickly and efficiently.

    Note: Time spent fixing or replacing broken third party plugins will be billed additionally at hour hourly rate.

    Is your Website Up to Date?

    Keep your WordPress updates current, to ensure your website is secure and stable.

    Let Us Handle Your WordPress Platform Updates

    If you would like to know more about the service and how it can impact your business. Please contact our service team and we’ll be glad to share with you the different reasons, and benefits, of having us install your updates.