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    Blue Oak Property Management, Inc.

    Website Design Project for
    Blue Oak Property Management, Inc.

    Project Overview

    Blue Oak Property Management is a full service residential property management company that has deep roots in the Chico community.

    Blue Oak Property Management selected SiteHatchery to develop the following:

    • Custom design and graphics
    • Responsive development
    • Custom content management system
    • Property listing manager
    • Custom business forms
    • Rental map with multiple location markers
    • Property search feature
    • Co-signer agreement feature
    • Article publisher

    This project features a fully custom content manager, designed specifically for property management companies. There’s a very easy to use, but feature-rich, property listing manager with a striking front end listing. Visitors can search and navigate to properties, and even view them together on a Google map.  We added an easy to use co-signer form that requires a digital signature and allows the user to securely upload required documentation from any digital device.

    Technologies Used

    • Web Design
    • Graphic Design
    • Mobile
    • SEO Optimization
    Blue Oak Property Management, Inc.

    Impact on Business

    Our team of developers simplified the management of Blue Oak Properties’ website. We built a full-featured system to easily manage their entire online presence, including a property listing management tool, content management system, article publishing platform, and co-signer application system.  This saves staff time and gives them the confidence to make updates on the fly.

    Also, website visitors can search for active properties with ease. They can access information request forms, submit maintenance requests, and fill out a co-signer application. The ease-of-use  has bolstered the popularity of this company.

    In fact, since the completion of this project in 2016, the traffic on the website has grown more than 10-fold. The domain appears first in Google for local searches like: “Chico Property Management.” Blue Oak Chico is also listed on the front page for many other local rental-related searches. The website has allowed them to be a major competitor in the local rental industry.

    Blue Oak Chico Icons.

    Thinking Outside the Box

    Conveying your message is what we specialize in. Your website is an extension of your business and should be a solution. Today, users expect websites to perform. They need to meet their lifestyle and not the other way around. Websites need to be feature rich with captivating and dynamic content that is easy to use. Meeting these needs, our team of developers specialize in complex scenarios. They see the solution and reduce it’s complexity to its lowest common denominator.

    The result, a simple and easy to use page which is hassle free and performs as expected. Websites need to be “easy to digest.” In doing so, visitors will gain confidence. The traffic to your website will increase. Productivity will increase and your website will be a sought after solution.

    Blue Oak Chico Interface with Pricing Plans.

    “Content should be dynamic, captivating and solution oriented.”

    Blue Oak Property Management, Inc.

    Project Management Techniques

    In any project, it’s critical to have a game-plan. Like a house, our design team will create blue print specific to your business needs.

    This is where we strive to separate ourselves from traditional website developers. We care about the final result and it’s important to us to have a clear picture of your dream house. To achieve this result, we have come up with a simple strategy. From start to finish, we will go through a series of questions. We check for form and function to ensure proper operation. We design and style so elements are appear as expected. With each step, we work with our partners and seek approval. There are no hidden surprises when you get the keys to your new place. Together, we stay connected through each step of the process.

    Website Development Cycle - Blue Oak Chico