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    Website Design Project for
    Koa Hills

    Project Overview

    Koa Hills is a software consulting and development firm based in Reno, Nevada. Their mission is to help businesses refine their tools to become more effective. Whether it’s business process, project management, or financial management, they can lead businesses to the best possible solution. If that solution isn’t available out of the box, they have the capability to develop it for them.

    Even though they’re experts at software and web development, your most difficult client is yourself. That’s why Koa Hills hired SiteHatchery to map out their content and organize it into a way that allows their customers to quickly get the information they need. Simplicity was key in our design approach. The calls to action are consistent throughout the entire website and prompt one to either make a phone call or request more information. With fewer options, it became more clear what someone should do and what their plan is going forward.

    Technologies Used

    • Web Design
    • WordPress
    Koa Hills